There aren't very many rules for this site but there are a few that you have to follow. If you don't follow them me or one of the moderators will give you a talking to or boot your ass off this site. 1. No pornography, nude pictures, or any of that stuff. 2. No racist remarks, jokes, or any racism at all. 3. No spamming. (this is a big one) 4. Advertisements are allowed but please no false ones.
These are the consequences if you break any of the above rules:
Rule 1: Posts will be deleted immediately and you will get a warning, If you do it a second time you will be suspended from the site for a month then kicked off for the third time.
Rule 2: Your post again will be deleted immediately and you will be warned. Do it again and your suspended do it a third time and your kicked off the site.
Rule 3: Posts will get deleted immediately and you get one warning. Do it again and your gone.
Rule 4: All false advertisements will be deleted and you will get one warning again. Do it a second time and like the other 3 rules you will get banned.
Please follow these simple rules to make this forum better for everyone.